TANAMI ROAD & DUNCAN ROAD: OPEN TO ALL VEHICLES. Road Condition Report 26 March 2025.
TANAMI ROAD & DUNCAN ROAD: OPEN TO ALL VEHICLES. Road Condition Report 26 March 2025.
If you are building or changing the way you use your land you may need planning approval and/or a building permit.
Planning approvals relate to the use of land in accordance with the Local Planning Scheme. Planning approval allows land to be subdivided, developed or used for a particular purpose, such as the use and construction of a house and any associated works; tree removal or to operate a business or other commercial activity.
Building permits relate to structures and are required to ensure construction complies with the Building Regulations 2012 and the National Construction Code. A building permit may be required for a structure, fence or retaining wall. Building permits are issued by the Shire after receiving an application certified by a building surveyor.
When planning approval is required, it will need to be approved prior to a building permit being issued. A building permit must be consistent with the requirements of the planning approval.
We provide assistance and advice about construction and land use in the Shire. Prior to commencing any works, talk to the Shire to see if planning approval and/or a building permit is required.
Planning and development in Halls Creek is guided by the Shire of Halls Creek Local Planning Scheme No.2.
Similar Schemes exist for every local government area in the State of WA and the purpose of them is to set aside land for future development, and provide policies and controls to ensure that use and development is orderly and properly planned.
A local planning scheme is generally comprised of the scheme text and maps.
Within the text lies the zoning table, which sets out the different uses permitted in each zone - together with provisions for that use.
Unlike the previous Town Planning Scheme No.1 which was limited to the Halls Creek Town Site, the current Local Planning Scheme No. 2 covers the whole Shire district.