Travel Restrictions- Remote Aboriginal Communities
Key messages
The coronavirus (COVID-19) has the potential to do great harm to the Kimberley’s 221 remote Aboriginal communities.
Aboriginal people living in remote areas are more at risk of serious illness from the coronavirus than other people.
If the coronavirus gets into an Aboriginal community, it is likely to spread quickly and make residents very sick.
To help protect our Aboriginal communities, there are strict travel restrictions in place.
Tourists and travellers are not allowed to enter any remote Aboriginal community in Western Australia.
Fines of up to $50,000 may apply to anyone who breaches the restrictions.
Only some Aboriginal communities are excluded from the restrictions.
In the Kimberley, the following Aboriginal community amenities are currently open to tourists and travellers:
Dampier Peninsula, West Kimberley
o Djarindjin Roadhouse – cnr Cape Leveque Road and Lombadina Road
o Dampier Peninsula Police Station – Lombadina Road
All other remote Aboriginal communities in the Kimberley and their amenities are closed to tourists and travellers.
Please travel responsibly – help keep our Aboriginal communities safe.
For more information, call 13 COVID (13 268 43) or visit